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Emergency Rebellion Mobilisation Workshop

01st Jul 2020 - 05:00PM
We are back planning for a big rebellion. The situation is serious. The news from the scientists is increasingly alarming. Most computer models predict a 2 to 4.5 degree rise by mid-century, with a slight possibility of that rising to 5 degrees when CO2 reaches 560 ppm. And if we are unlucky, we could hit that around mid-century. Everyone in XR knows what 5 degrees means: it’s a tragic scenario for most human and non-human life on this beautiful planet. And as we know, the arctic is on fire, and this May was the hottest May on record.  Instead of listening to the scientists, our government is giving bailouts to some of the world’s worst polluters. They intend to dish out £16.18bn in all. It is clear: we will stage a rebellion that forces the government to make big policy changes. We need to mobilise thousands of people to engage in civil disobedience to the point of arrest and even more in support. So we have an emergent mobilisation plan and we want to share it with you and give you a chance to discuss and shape it for the South West region and for your group.

The aims of the workshop are: • To give basic information about the science behind this ‘emergency’ rebellion • To give a broad overview of the general rebellion plan • To give a detailed view of the emergent rebellion mobilisation plans and what they mean for organising at a UK support project, regional, and group level • To offer a space to discuss the mobilisation plans, input into them, to identify what is needed regionally and for rebels to decide what role they want to play in mobilising for the rebellion The workshops are envisaged as open to everyone in the region and specifically we hope the following rebels will attend • Rebels in roles directly related to the rebellion mobilisation plan at a regional or group level (talks & trainings, outreach, local group development, integration etc.) • Rebels who are involved in other working groups important to the rebellion effort and want to understand how mobilisation will link to their role (actions, political, M&M etc.) • Rebels who want to get involved in mobilisation or find out more about it Register in advance for this workshop: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZEuceyuqToiHte-txLh-oHj0kEs5NK63LFw. After registering, you will receive an email with information about joining the meeting
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