Learn To Facilitate A People's Assembly - Please register for details
Tue, 19 May 2020 15:00 – 18:00 BST
This training can be used to run people’s assemblies on a range of topics, be they concerning the climate and ecological emergency, local community issues or anything people would like to discuss in a democratic, inclusive and deliberative way.
Please register for details. You will be sent an email via Eventbrite containing the zoom link. Before the training, we will send you the script for holding an online people's assembly.
You will need to participate in practice exercises for which you will need an in-built mic or mic/ headset etc. so that you can speak and participate.
We hope that we can help you feel a bit more confident about facilitating and we can give you the opportunity to connect with other facilitators to help co-organize and facilitate people's assemblies together in pairs or teams.
There will be an opportunity to practice facilitating with others.