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Non Violent Communication for Teams

25th Feb 2021 - 07:00PM
An Introduction to Non Violent Communication when Working in Teams  Join us for Part 1 on  Thursday 25th February  7-9pm and Part 2 (for those who have done Part 1 ) on Wednesday 3rd March  This workshop has been organised for all XR Teams and groups, including Anchor Circles, Local Groups, Working Groups, Town Meetings, and Affinity Groups. All interested are welcome.  FREE REGISTRATION: NVC for Teams Part 1  (7-9pm 25 February 2021) https://app.workshop-angel.com/form.php?h=1&t=0&e=7c04b9f9090416da NVC for Teams Part 2  (7-9pm 3 March 2021) https://app.workshop-angel.com/form.php?h=1&t=0&e=f42a98d211e1d54e Movements most often fail because of internal conflicts. Disagreement can arise when we work together to achieve a common goal. People have different ways of  doing things, different past experience, different priorities and different ways of processing and communicating. This workshop will be  helpful in learning ways to improve our communication to express ourselves clearly and respectfully, and to help us work together harmoniously, prevent conflict, and recognise conflict early and prevent it from escalating. An Introduction to Non Violent Communication when Working in Teams  Part 1  =========================================================== This workshop is a 2-hour introduction to the principles of thinking and interacting with others in a non-violent manner. It is the first of a two-part series to give you the skills to bring non-violence into building a more productive and enjoyable team environment. The workshop will include: * An explanation of the way of thinking which brings us into treating ourselves and others in a non-violent way. * An exercise to help us see existing patterns of behaviour that can be considered to be violent in this context. * Understanding the importance of feeling heard to our sense of calm and psychological safety with others. * Exercises in being heard and being ignored and our relationship to the feelings that arise. * An introduction to the idea of how we all share the same needs as human beings. * Final discussion, questions, and conclusions. An Introduction to Non Violent Communication when Working in Teams  Part 2  =========================================================== This workshop is a 2-hour introduction to how to apply the principles of non-violence when working with others. It is the second in a two-part series to give you the skills to bring non-violence into building a more productive and enjoyable team environment. A pre-requisite for attending this workshop is to have already attended part 1 of the same series. The workshop will include: * Summary of the key points learned in part 1. * Discussion of how understanding everyone's needs is a pre-requisite to finding inclusive ways forward with a particular task. * Recognising and managing situations where pain arises from not feeling heard and understood. * Exercise in managing the dance between feeling pain and feeling understood. * Discussion of challenging team situations that have arisen for the workshop attendees. * Ideas for team organisation to apply the concepts that have been discussed. * Final discussion, questions, and conclusions. Please note that we plan to record the main session (but not breakout rooms) to help with future learning. You have the option of turning your camera off and/or changing your name on Zoom during full-group sessions. The event is free but you are very welcome to make a donation. When you register you will be sent the zoom link. (You will need to have or create a Zoom account). Please note - if you have not installed Zoom on your device (laptop, phone etc) please do this in good time before the meeting.  We look forward to seeing  you there! To see all events and training coming up in Cornwall click here: https://www.facebook.com/XRinCornwall/events Cornwall Talks & Training
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