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4 Ways to Stay Safe at a Protest
April 10, 2023

Kathy Burke and Chizzy Akudolu have some helpful protest advice for everyone coming to The Big One from #21April Protests can be a bit daunting, especially if it’s your first time, but we know that two things help make them safe, fun, and impactful – knowledge and community! It’s important that everyone can be involved […]

List of Supporters for The Big One Grows!
April 3, 2023

A new wave of organisations have confirmed their support for The Big One in Westminster on 21-24 April. More groups are signing up to come to The Big One every day, the latest supporters include: War on Want, Palestine Action, Disabled People Against Cuts (DPAC), Tearfund, Quakers in Britain, RePlanet UK, Pesticide Action Network UK, […]

What kind of future do you want?
April 2, 2023

What kind of future do you want? The decisions we make now will have a significant impact on the unfolding threat of climate change. It’s time to unite together for change. Your “Carbon Footprint” is not to blame. Climate change is caused by a handful of multinational fossil fuel corporations that are profiting from pumping […]

Unite to Survive: We Need You!
March 30, 2023

WE NEED YOU We are at a turning point in human history. Democracy is under attack by a government who simply cannot be trusted to do what is right for its public. It’s time to stand up for ourselves. Peacefully, we will join with thousands upon thousands of members of the public at the Houses […]

Choose your future: Outdated or Transformed
March 6, 2023

Last year saw three Prime Ministers, but this corrupt, discredited government has neither a vision nor a plan for how to respond to the overlapping crises Corporations, oligarchs and special interests determine the direction of government policy.The system of government in the UK is outdated, out of touch and illegitimate. We need to transform and […]

Choose your future: Distracted or Determined
March 4, 2023

Mainstream media is owned by the same oligarchs that sway the Government, and they’re working hard to keep you distracted and deceived: nothing to see here, move along now, don’t look up. They refuse to tell the truth, and discredit anyone who does. We must be determined. Look past the lies and write your own […]

Choose your future: Corrupt or Diligent
March 2, 2023

CORRUPT OR DILIGENT? Oil and gas lobbyists are intent on corruption, destruction, and preventing the transition toward a greener future. As their dirty money , their lies and their lobbying greases the palms of all those they reach, they actively increase the catastrophic effects of fossil fuel addiction, condemn possible policy change, and prevent the […]

Unite to Survive March 23
March 1, 2023

THE BIG ONE – APRIL 21ST – PARLIAMENT SQ In 2019 the UN released a stark warning. Around the world school children went on strike and 10,000 people came out on the streets of London. Shortly after, Parliament declared an environment and climate emergency. But not much has changed in the behaviour of those in […]

Choose your future: Bloated or balanced
February 28, 2023

Unite the union have said ‘“It’s not hard pressed workers who are driving inflation, it’s Britain’s bosses.” In 2022 #BigEnergy reported obscene profits: SSE – £559 millionCentrica – £1.34 billion.E.ON, £3.47 billion.Shell, £10 billion Greedy CEOs sit at the top of the chain, and cream ££££££ off the top.The #costoflivingcrisis does not affect them. The […]

Disabled Rebel support
February 23, 2023

CAN YOU HELP❓️ Hello dear friends, There has been an ask from less mobile rebels to have wheelchairs at events where walking is involved, so they can have a rest from walking. THE ASK 📢 Does anyone have or know of anyone that can donate a #wheelchair they no longer use? We have one in […]

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